I am training for a marathon. This will be my second. I ran the Houston Marathon in January and finished in 4:16. I’m running it again this year and I would like to finish faster.
Last Saturday morning I ran 20 miles. It was an okay run, better than last year’s 20 miler, but the last five miles were a grind. Because of that my hamstrings have been sore and I skipped my Wednesday morning five miler.
I got out this morning and I felt great. My legs were ready for the eight miler I have scheduled. I took off and about a ¼ of a mile from the house I stepped on one of those pine cone looking things that Magnolia trees drop and twisted my ankle. I wanted to scream. Not a girl scream but a guttural King Kong scream that says I'm ticked off. I twisted my ankle in June and it kept me from running for a month, so all I could see was my marathon hopes ended for this year. Me sitting on the sideline watching people run 26.2. Ahhhhh!
It turned (no pun intended) out to be okay. My ankle hurts a little but I took some ibuprofen and iced it and I think I should be able to run by tomorrow. Sometimes life is too fragile. I need to move into a bubble until January 15.