Now that I have returned from Nepal my life is kind of at a transition place. I spent the months leading up to Nepal running and lifting weights so I would be ready to backpack and now I need to work towards another goal. (to the left is another random Nepal pic)
Next week I am going to a conference in Chicago and I will run some there but when I get home I have decided to start training for The White Rock Marathon in December. I chose the White Rock Marathon rather than Houston because my son Jakeb wants to run the half-marathon in Houston in January and I will run it with him.
In terms of the marathon I am ready to run something new. I’ve done Houston for the past two years and I really enjoy it but it is time to end the marathon monogamy.
In the middle of training for The Rock I will run an Adventure Race with my brother Toby. On August 19 we will race in the REI Texas State Championship Adventure Race Series in Muleshoe Bend Park near Austin. This is a first for me so I am looking forward to it.
Now that I have something to work towards running will have more than just random meaning.